I'm not sure exactly when it happened, its been building for a few weeks now but this weekend it became blatantly clear that Daddy (the rotten cad) has usurped me in Lulu's affections, and I don't like it, not one little bit ;)
A while back I made the mistake of teaching Lulu the Daddy song, its a delightful little ditty that goes "Daaa-ddy, Daaa-ddy, we love you, Daaaa-ddy, Daaa-ddy where are you" repeat ad nauseum. She sings this all day long when the Daddy-god is at work, in the apparent hope that it will cause him to magically materialize in front of her.
Several times a day we have to phone his work number so she can listen to his voice mail greeting and occasionally joy of joys she actually gets the Daddy-God in person.
If Lulu is feeling grumpy I can usually jolly her out of it by playing a slideshow of photos of the Daddy-god, her favorites being the ones featuring Daddy-god with Lulu.
Upon the Daddy-gods return from work I am dropped and forgotten like so much "something you would drop and forget instantly". As Daddy-god steps through the door Lulu is running full tilt to hurl herself at him and from that point on she is pretty much super glued to him. At no moment is he to be out of her sight and ideally he should be participating in "Ring a ring a rosie" or down on the floor playing that old chestnut "we are noisy, snuffly doggies woof woof"
They have developed some slightly bizarre games that they both feel to be hysterically funny. One example is "Ding dong" in which one or other of them holds a hand out parallel to the ground, slowly moving it back and forth and around and around in front of them whilst making a humming noise and finally bringing it to rest on the others head with a loud "Ding dong!". Oh yes, funny, funny stuff - apparently.
I wouldn't mind but you know I did ALL the paperwork don't you, if it had been left to Daddy-god we'd have turned up in China without even so much as I-171 to our names.
I take consolation in the fact that apparently for all his wonderfulness Daddy-god still doesn't give Lulu a bottle or do "Rockabye baby" as good as this Mummy :) - just saying.
Here are some photos of Lulu with her beloved Daddy-god - her smile says it all.
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