We recently bought Loopty Loop a tricycle similar to one she had greatly coveted at another little girl's birthday party last summer. However, once the tractor got pulled out from its winter resting place she wasn't interested in any namby pamby ole tricycle, it was all tractor, all the time!
Simon believes the tractor is a just a stepping stone on her way to the Ducati. However, I know (and I believe several of her dear Aunties will back me up on this) that she will want to transition to a pony. Tractor rider today, Gymkhanas , Horse of the year show and Prince Philip Cup tomorrow!
Of course if Loopy decides she is more interested in playing chess (or sitting on stationary lawn tractors) than riding ponies, that is fine, absolutely fine, totally fine, just fine, flipping fine, fine, fine!
p.s It was a lovely hot day, hence just the onesie but apparently during the winter I had done an excellent job of teaching Loops that she needs to wear a hat outside but not such a great job of explaining "if its cold".
SAFETY NOTE: Before you report me to the CCAA the tractor was not switched on, so if you do have a lawn you want mowing Loops is probably not the girl to call.
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