We've been home for a week and a half and life is good! Its hard for me to believe that we've only known BB for two and half weeks because it feels like he has been with us forever, he has slipped so easily into our lives and we are all so besotted with this little guy. Loopy and BB both struggled a bit with the time change when we first got home (okay a lot, they struggled a LOT) which meant in turn Simon and I were pretty bleary eyed for the first few days but we're starting to hit our stride now. Poor Simon had to go straight back to work and I really, really don't know how he coped but he did, the man is a SUPERSTAR!
I think BB is, understandably, still trying to process what the heck has happened but he is mostly a very easy going kind of guy and pretty much goes with the flow, we see a little more of his personality every day and I'm doing my best not to eat him alive - he's that yummie!
I am sooooooo proud of Loopy she is so good with her baby brother and takes such joy from everything he does, she calls him her "sunshine baby" and he is the first person she looks for in the morning. In return BB gazes at Loopy with total love and admiration, they are definitely both smitten.
In the interest of truth in blogging I have to confess that it has not all been smiles and sunshine, on Monday I'm ashamed to confess I had a total melt down. Its so hot and humid here and with only a couple of window AC units the house is a bit of a hell hole and for some reason the House Fairies did NOT clean up for me while we were in Taiwan (b******ds) so the house was still a total mess when we got home. Except now it also has half unpacked suitcases scattered all over the floor, along with various newly acquired baby paraphernalia, which seems to have been carefully positioned to trip you up no matter which direction you walk in. Between that and running out of formula (don't even ask) and a baby who did not want to be put down and a 3 year old who was flexing her big girl muscles "no Mummy, I don't want my hair brushed, no I don't want to go to the supermarket, no, no, NO!" which resulted in Loopy and I having a VERY grumpy day. Thankfully BB was mostly oblivious but the wait for the formula to be purchased along with his full on teething was enough to send even him over the edge in the end. It was certainly not one of my better parenting days and involved a lot of shouting (me) tears, (all of us) and ended with us all napping in the big bed from exhaustion.
Apologies were made as needed (that would be by me) and luckily for me Loopy is a very forgiving soul and not one to hold a grudge. Although when we were telling Simon about our Hideous Totally Grumpy day, with Mama Grump, Loopy Grump and Baby Brother Grump, she did report to him that "Mummy was the biggest grump of all" what can I say, the child doesn't lie!
Now here is what you've been waiting for .. . . .photos! I'm grabbing moments as I can and will post about the rest of our time in Taiwan as soon as I can.
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