. . . . new stroller! Don't judge me people, don't judge me! So I have a weakness, okay two weaknesses, strollers and chocolate, there are worse things!
A lot of the time we carry BB in the baby carrier but there are times when we need to be able to put him down and all (yes, ALL, as in plural) my strollers are single seats. How could I not have thought of this? I sort of did have a plan to buy one of those little running board thingys that you can attach to a stroller so that Loopy could just hitch a ride when she wanted and BB could relax in the seat but the thing is that sometimes Loopy wants to sit too, most especially if BB is sitting ;)
My extensive and in depth research (its a sickness people, you should pity me not judge me) informed me of two things
1) the Europeans STILL have the best strollers (even though lots more scrummy European manufactures have got US distributors now then when I was looking for Loopy's pushchair) and
2) if you want a really good quality, non butt ugly, narrow, lightweight (relatively speaking), tandem (one seat in front of the other) two seater where the seats can face each other, or face front or face back, you've got to part with some seriously, seriously big bucks.
Lacking the seriously, seriously big bucks I went for a compromise which cost serious bucks but not seriously, seriously big bucks. Thus leaving me with the possibility of upgrading to the seriously, seriously big bucks tandem stroller when I become gainfully employed/win the lottery, which, seeing as I haven't applied for a job and don't play the lottery, best not hold your breath waiting on that one.
So here it is the Joovey Ultralight Caboose, we LOVE it! Yes, I do wish that there was the option to have BB's seat facing back (so he could see me) and it would be nice if the seat was a little more snuggly but it has enough pluses that I'm happy to settle. Its lightweight, easy to fold, steers very nicely, isn't too long, is well made and Loopy can sit or stand as the mood takes her. BB just has to settle for sitting but such is the life of a baby brother. The basket could do with being a little bigger but its not bad and the green is a nice soft shade, not too girly not to boy-ie.