I would now like to present to you a video clip for your viewing pleasure. In this clip you will see what a multi talented family we are. Filming was carried about by Simon and shows a skillful mastery of the subtleties of cinematography. Loopy and I provide the musical soundtrack, and I think you will be hard pressed to decide which of us has the worse better singing voice, although "voice of an angel" might not be the expression that immediately springs to mind. BB treats you to his audition piece for Cirque de Soleil entitled "Baby feet" and I fully expect to get their call inviting him to Las Vegas as soon as this clip goes on world release.
Apologies for the very loud background noise, like most good parents we feel it is important to make the effort to visit places where our little darlings can learn, discover and stretch their inquisitive little brains, yep you've guessed it we were at the local Casino. If you keep the volume to the half way point its not quite so headache inducing.
I am especially proud of the fact that BB has already started to learn our carefully choreographed hand actions to "Stop in the name of Love", admittedly they might be slightly more impressive if Loopy and I knew more than just the one line from the song, but we like to concentrate on quality not quantity.
Please let me draw your attention to my personal favorite moment when I (naturally) request that BB put his feet in his mouth and you can see in his face total disbelief that his mother really is that bizarre, he shoots his Dad the "she's a nutter isn't she?" look and makes a mental note to ride the bus to and from school so no-one will ever know about his crazy Mama.
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