We finally got round to filling the paddling pool, either its got a lot smaller or Loops is a lot bigger. The water was freezing cold but she loved it.
I thought having exposed his Tasmanian Devil side I should also, in the interest of fair and balanced reporting, show that calm was soon regained after delicate negotiations (also known as "we
can wait longer than you can" and "we're not actually taking any notice
anyway") BB did indeed see reason and held not just one hand but two!
Don't you just want to eat those darling baby legs? I have to restrain myself on a daily basis.
BB is a boy of independent spirit and great determination so he was more than just a little outraged to be told that, while we were at the Fair amongst a zillion people, he really did have to hold someone's hand. He made his objections known in a calm and quiet manner . . . .NOT.
There are certain people who have suggested BB has learned his protesting technique from his mother but I'd like vehemently deny that and if you don't believe me "I'll thcream and thcream 'till I'm thick" in a channeling my inner Violet Elizabeth kind of way.
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