Thank you everyone for your lovely words and kind congratulations, I really appreciated them. Its been such a crazy time I hadn't realized just how much I needed to have a little bask in the joy of it all.
I loved all the comments but I think possibly my favorite was from Fixer Mamma with her "how are you doing that????" it just made me chuckle so much, probably because its exactly what I would be saying!
I didn't mean to be so misleading, I thought I had mentioned that "baby girl" is currently residing in Taiwan but now I realize I didn't and so logical conclusions were drawn that she must be in China. For a moment there you were all thinking that I had an "in" with the CCAA, that I knew the Top Peeps and had called in a few favors, pulled a few strings and hey presto expedited referral! Whilst it would be fun to be known as "that woman who knows people at the CCAA" it is not a claim I can actually make.
I'll give you the run down on "The Call" in the next post but in the meantime here are the 3 photos we have and a little snippet of video. I am hoping the fact that she is sleeping in one out of three is an indicator that she will be a good sleeper, please, oh please be a good sleeper little sweetie pie!
I love the way she looks to be breaking out the moves in the middle one, I love that in the first I can see her darling little legs and the last I love because it offers that hope that even with 3 children 4 years and under I may still, occasionally, get to sleep.
And here she is in action!
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