I owe so many emails I don't think I'm ever going to catch up, its not even that I actually get that many emails its just that I'm so useless at replying to the ones I do get! In my head I'm writing scintillating interesting replies but they never quite make it to the keyboard. Its pretty much the same with the blog, fabulous, fabulous posts going on in my head but just can't get them written. So if you are one of the long suffering peeps awaiting a reply here is a little song and dance from the munchkins to tide you over till I get my act together.
Its a catchy little ditty that is broadly based on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Song and those of you who know Simon will no doubt recognize Beau's dance moves as being totally stolen from his Dad. Who knew you could get two boys so dance challenged, still at least they both have the cute working for them. Loops as usual is just happy to be on stage, any stage, any back yard, get the girl a microphone - or maybe not!
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