It might have only been photos and video but I did it!! I posted everyday for the whole of November (except the night of no Internet connection) it was rash, it was lacking all planning, it should have been doomed from the start but, against unbelievable odds* and and incredible challenges**, I completed the whole 30 days, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, please it was nothing, no seriously did you see the posts it really was nothing!
If only I could find a way to channel my new found posting powers to do something worthwhile, bring about world peace, end poverty, reverse global climate warming, finish the laundry.
But for now I must rest
*I'd put $50 on for me to fail by day 3
**My incurable procrastination and usual inability to complete more than one step tasks
Here is "Your song" from Ellie Goulding, it was driving me nuts only hearing that little snippet from the John Lewis Christmas Advert. I hadn't heard of her before seeing the Advert but judging from all the song videos on you tube it looks like she has had quite a bit of success back home. Its always lovely to find new music (new to me) and already I have some favorites from her, just love her voice and the way she keeps her accent when she sings.
A few weeks ago I had caught a 10 second news piece about the Sunflower Seeds at the Tate, the report was about how they were having problems with people trying to eat the "Seeds" and so were no longer allowing visitors to walk on them. I thought it looked like a fascinating installation and had intended to google for more info but then, as is the way these days, I was side tracked and forgot all about it.
Then the other day some photos of the Sunflower Seeds showed up in the FB feed of Mr Y (our guide in Taiwan) intrigued all over again I went searching and found out that the reason people were no longer being allowed to walk on the "Seeds" wasn't because of people eating them but because of the dust that was being created. This from the Tate's website "Although porcelain is very robust, we have been advised that the interaction of visitors with the sculpture can cause dust which could be damaging to health following repeated inhalation over a long period of time. In consequence, Tate, in consultation with the artist, has decided not to allow members of the public to walk across the sculpture."
Wanting to know more about the sculpture and its artist Ai Weiwei I saw this video, also on the Tate website, see it below. When you have 15 mins to spare I highly recommend watching it, I found it so interesting, I did not know of the significance of sunflowers in Mao Zedong's propaganda posters. The video left me wishing I could make a visit to the Tate and wanting to see more of Ai Weiwei's work, wanting to visit the city of Jingdezhen, where the seeds were made, and wanting so much to put my hands in those huge containers of "Seeds" and let them flow through my fingers. I would love some of those Sunflower Seeds for myself, seriously watch and you'll want some too, and all our orders would mean more employment for these wonderful and very skilled artisans in Jingdezhen. I think I'd better suggest it to Ai Weiwei.
We had a car rental a couple of weeks ago and to the children's delight it was a minivan. When Beau discovered the DVD screen it literally blew his little mind, blew it!
Its a bit like watching that last soul limping towards the finish line of the marathon, I should have trained, I should have prepared, I should really know when to quit but its "only" another 12 days I could still finish this thing. I could still bounce back, . . . . . its possible, not likely, but possible.
In the mean time behold sweetest trick or treaters!
Oh sure she's smiling now with those shiny gnashers but believe me each and every single one, okay not the two she arrived with, but the appearance of every other toothy peg has been agony, AGONY for ALL of us. Four more of the little perishers are threatening to make their break through soon - I'm bracing for the onslaught.
I love This John Lewis advert sooooo much and Ellie Goulding's version of "Young song" is just beautiful. I dare you to watch without getting a little bit verklempt.
p.s I hadn't really thought about it at the time but apparently some people were outraged by the dog being outside in the snow. I had just thought how sweet when the little boy had a stocking for his dog but now I do feel bad for the pooch (its not real Deborah, its not real). However, it has provoked some very amusing comments on You Tube I especially chuckled at the one from Bluesteel750
We have to make our own entertainment these days, luckily we're easily amused.
p.s Best not tell Simon I posted this one, for some reason he's never been one to flaunt his spectacular singing voice or come to that, his naked, and spectacularly manly, chest which he is hiding behind Posy ;)
We take safety very seriously at our house, Beau knows that if your going to iron your chair you have to put your hard bucket helmet on, although apparently clothing is optional. Gotta love a man with ironing skills.
In remembrance and appreciation of all who have served, or currently are serving, in our military and most especially to the many, much too many, who sacrificed their lives that we might live ours in peace and freedom.
I will never be able to bring myself to adopt the American way of wishing "Happy" Veteran's Day, it just seems so incongruous, but instead here is a tribute I found on YT.
I know you've all been on the edge of your chairs waiting for the big reveal of the rock star glasses but I didn't get a chance to get a photo today so the suspense will just have to continue ;)
Instead I've got a video clip, its horrible quality and might quite possibly cause motion sickness, but it makes me crack up so I thought I'd share. Its probably one of those "you had to be there moments" but Lulu sings, sings, sings and sings at the drop of a hat and never doubts for a moment that she has a willing and adoring audience! On car journey's she takes full advantage of having a captive audience and its a challenge to get an intermission to the performance. Before I started the camera Simon had already spent at least 10 minutes preventing her from starting her next song by asking her, in a thousand and one different ways when would he be allowed to talk. In return Lulu explained to him a thousand and two different ways that he could talk but not until AFTER her song. She was soooooo patient with him and took his ludicrous line of questioning completely seriously until at the point I began to video she was nearing the end of even her long, long tolerance. That naughty Daddy Boy, he was just "desperate" to talk!
First the donating of the old glasses, tomorrow the big reveal of her new rock star glasses, their super cute and pink, very, very pink . . . . and purple!
. . . another dollar just driving the wheels on the bus.
I really did have a proper post knocking around in my head but the day got away from me and with only 30 mins to go till today becomes tomorrow I had to go with the photos again!
How delicious was it to wake up this morning and discover that your suddenly a whole hour early. Seeing as I spend most of my life multiple hours late for everything it was such a nice change, pity it only happens once a year. However, despite the bonus hour this morning I still didn't get a chance to write anything so once again I'm playing the photo card :)
I'm the kind of person who is always organized, everything has a place and everything in its place. I've lost count of the number of times I've been compared to The Martha, which I guess would be flattering except, I feel that The Martha isn't as detail orientated as she should be, she's kind of too laid back for me. Anyway I know not everyone is as on the ball as me so you slackers guys probably haven't even bought your Christmas tree yet whilst I have mine up and fully decorated, I'm not going all out this year so just a small one with a light dusting of glittery baubles. Oh no I have to dash my pants are a blaze!
It doesn't get any better than edible homework. Lulu is learning about patterns and one of this weeks tasks was to make a pattern using colored pasta or cereal. The minute fruit loops were mentioned there was no fobbing her off with crummy old colored pasta. This bracelet started out as a necklace, can you say sugar high?
. . . when he looks soooooo cute! When he isn't wearing his big sister's hand me downs (see flower power wellie boots) he's borrowing his little* sister's gear (winter jacket) and damn if he doesn't look good in it! Did you ever see more beautiful knees?
* I say "little" but she's only a couple of inches and a pound or two smaller than him!
Day 3 and already I'm pulling out the Halloween photos, hey cut me some slack I told you I didn't think this thing through! I'm very confident that by the weekend I'll have hit my stride and I'll be turning out riveting, thought provoking, tear jerking, educational, entertaining, witty and life saving (okay maybe not life saving) posts. I'll have you rolling in the aisles you'll be checking for my latest post before you've even had your morning coffee. Or maybe I'll still be limping along with photo posts but I'll be "thinking" of fantabulous posts and it is the thought that counts.
In the meantime behold the beautiful and rare, blue armed (because her Mum forgot the black shirt) Ladybug (or Ladybird as the crazy Brits call them)! Despite being hampered by a severe, but thankfully temporary, case of Ladybug bonnet blindness, she had a great time scooting all over Auntie C's house.
In fact she was having so much fun that by the time the Trick or Treating got underway she was zonked! My cute little Ladybug/bird!
p.s NombyPlomby or NambyPamby is better known as NaBloPoMO or National Blog Post Month, a post a day, every day for the month of November.
Clearly I didn't give the NombyPlomby thing nearly enough consideration. Its only day 2 and I'm already realizing I'm way too rusty at the whole blogging game. I remember now that I swore I'd never do this again without at least a handful of ready to go posts up my sleeve.
At least I did manage to vote today so surely that gives me some kind of posting credit? Lulu wanted to know who I was voting for and as there were way too many names to give her I just told her I'd be voting for the Democrats. So then of course she wanted to know who they were so I explained I'd be voting for Obama's Party, "Oh good" she squealed "I LOVE parties, are we giving him a party to say thank you looking after the country? Can I go? Maybe he'll write to us and say thank you for giving him a party!"
Sadly I don't think its going to be much of a party for Obama.
I've been vaguely thinking about doing NomPlom again this November and I suddenly realized today is the 1st so this is my keeping my options open "non post" post.
These snaps are from last night, we were at a friends house to trick or treat and this is Lulu and Beau after they took their costumes off! The boy knows how to wear a pair of tights (his sisters as it happens)! They crack me up, I think they were working on a Ice skating routine. I'm wondering if Beau may have a future on the flying trapeze, Tony Curtis anyone?
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