I've been pondering whether to attempt the NomPomBloggy thing again this November so this is me officially me keeping the option open.
Its always much harder to do than I think it will be but each year that I've done it I've been so glad I did because when I look at the old posts I can really remember all sorts of mindless detail that I would have forgotten otherwise and that's rather nice.
I've also been pondering moving to a new blog, this was always intended to just be a travel to China blog (hence the name) but I never got going on anything new and so in usual slacker fashion I just continued here. Its been a strange year for me, "left behind" is the way I've felt for a long time now, not necessarily in a horrible way (although I have had my "woe is me" moments about it) but in a "everyone else is moving on and I'm still here" kind of way. More on that another time but for now this is my November number one post, with a possible twenty-nine more to come, should the maddness descend upon me again!
This is Posy doing an impression of how I'll look (although not so cute) at around day fifteen, should I actually get that far.