Due to the overwhelming number of requests from my adoring public, well not exactly "requests" or even "overwhelming" or come to that not exactly "adoring public" but Curts did say in passing something to the effect of "are you ever going to get off your bottom and write a post?" So here I am!
I have a multitude of excuses for my absence, including but not limited to:-
1. My Apple-y Mac has been dying a slow death, due to abuse from operator, and currently can only be powered by charging the battery externally and even then only springs into life for short periods of time. 2. I have finally got access to a PC to use during the "death" periods of the Mac but its a bit of a foreign experience for me, I mean I recognise it but yet its strangely different, so for example it won't let me type this as a list, why? Why won't it let this be a list, stoopid, stoopid Windows. 3. Children round here keep taking turns in getting ill 4. I'm very lazy. 5. Ch-ch-ch-changes have been a going on around these parts, resulting in me alternately doing my headless chicken and ostrich head in the sand impressions. 6. I'm very lazy and finally 7. I'm very, very lazy.
Seriously what is wrong with stoopid puter, it won't let me use the return key unless I switch to HTML option, what is it's problem? I do not need attitude from a dingbat PC thank you very much.
So of course I have a zillion, million fascinating things to tell, or at least one or two only mildly boring rambles to make, however they will have to wait as in the meantime I want to share this video with you. I see no reason that I should be the only one subjected to my daughters "performances" and upon viewing I believe you will come to understand my limited posting, I mean could you post with this sort of thing going on from dawn to dusk? By the way, I think the Irish aspect is her tribute to the upcoming St Patrick's Day.
I should also warn you that this is NOT suitable viewing for the easily offended, those of a more genteel dispositon or really for polite society in general. I do not condone the use of the B word, nor do I encourage it and yet my children are all obsessed with it. I believe the name of the shop she is singing about "Button Butt" comes from my younger daughter's inability to say "bottom" hence her frequent use of the phrase "a chicken pecked my button" which it indeed did but that is a story for another day.
Now, without more ado I give you my daughter, who unbelievably has yet to make her Broadway debut! Agents email me.
Loops singing the virtues of that well known store Button & Butt for all your bottom needs! This particular song is extolling the virtues of the Irish branch and also our own backyard branch but apparently they also have stores in China and in the 101 in Taipei, Taiwan, just so you know!
Lyrics (as best I can tell)
This is the Button Butt from Ireland. Here is the butts the Ireland sell. Button Butt, Button Butt you are the best! Here's what we do, this is the Button Butt song. Button Butt (repeat ad nauseum)
I like Butts, you like Butts, we all have a Butt, each and everyone. Here's one, Here's one! ???? (this line sounds very rude but actually refers to one of her previous songs, that delicious candy favorite "Chocolate Butt") An Irish Butt, Butt, Butt! When the Butts are gone When there's none in your mailbox When the Butts are sale-d When you can't find one You can look in Button Butt, right in my yard and its only here and it closes at 10pm That gives you a lot of time. When you really need a Butt there's a hotel too, with Butts in it. And everyone likes Button Butts, for you!
That's my butt, that's my butt too. When the butts are gone and you have nothing to do. When your sitting on your front porch step and your really homesick, and you want to buy a Butt and when you think there's nothing to spare You can get up from your house (repeat) Get up of your yard too. You can ???? You want to step on the stage, show your Butt, say that is Button Butt! Button Butt (repeat)
If you don't know this is my way, this is how I say today Where ?? Is my Butt? Everyone loves a Butt, there's Butts around, that's how we got one Butt. Button Butt, Button Butt, Butt, Butt (repeat) Button Butt is great!
"Come on let me show you where Button Butt is, its not far"
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