. . . . . under performing (that would be me) is a spur of the moment trip to the beach. After picking up B from preschool the weather was just too gorgeous to spend it cooped up indoors (me) or snoozing through a nap (that's them) so we headed to the beach! We were completely unprepared no towels, no nothing but as luck would have it the beach store had just opened up for the season and B and P were giddy with delight when they spotted a dusty cardboard box of left over bucket and spades, jackpot!! They were both squealing with happiness as we headed for the sand. There is nothing like the thrill of that first glimpse of the ocean, makes even me feel like frolicking! We had a lovely time and wished we could have stayed longer but had to get home to meet Loops off the school bus. B and P had insisted on bringing a few precious pebbles and sprigs of seaweed back with them and set about building "nests". I'm not entirely sure who the nests are for, possibly some passing penguins, but very fine nests they are!
This is where a photo was going to be but I can't make the dratted thing load so, no photo for you!