Hmmm for the more smutty minded amongest I'm sure that title is conjuring up a number of possiblities but what it actually refers to is NaBloPoMo, yeah that's right baby I'm getting my blog on for all of November and there's no stopping me!
The last time I did this was 2011 and I believe I did beg at the end of it that you stop me should I ever again be possessed by such a ludicrous idea. Thirty posts all in a row, even if they are only photo posts its still madness that can only end in tears and yet I'm feeling the urge and and must pursue my dream (I try to keep my dreams to a fairly low level).
So look out world (or at least Curts, Jo and Carrie my beloved readers) I'm about to NaBloPoMo bigtime!
Actually we all know it will be a series of increasingly mind numbing posts that disintergrate into me attempting to convince you that a daily photo of cute kids does count as a posting*, oh yes it does! Still you've got to admit it is rather amusing to listen to my enthusiasm and conviction pre day 1 only to then watch me collapse into a blubbering mess begging for mercy by day 4. As ever I'm only here to make you all look good.
So who else is in? Come on you know you want to, its so nice to have a whole month of posts to look back on when you are in your dotage.
* Isn't that what Instragram is? Blogging for those of us who can only muster a photo and title? Those B@@@dards stole my idea? It should have been me, it should have been me!
Link to NaBloPoMo is here but being the hermit that I have become I will just be blogging away here in my little corner of the Internet undisturbed by the rest of the world and their peppy "100 ways to reinvent/cure/moneytise/publish yourself by NaBloPoMo-ing.
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