Day one and it appears that whatever "over enthusiasm" inducing substance was coursing through my veins yesterday has now left my blood stream. I think it might have been the effect of a little too much dipping into the pre Halloween candy!
I'm so rusty at this blogging lark but will push on undeterred as I've been telling the kids it takes practise to get good at anything, so practise I will.
Speaking of being out of practise (did you see the way I did that? Perfect segway! And they said I've got no blogging skills, piff poff!) I spent a couple of hours this afternoon helping out at the school Scholastic Book Fair. Its been a few years since I worked a cash register but I was quite proud of myself I only had to do a few transaction voids and it felt good to get my hands on a scanner again and hear the sweet sound of its beep.
The customers were a delight. I particularly enjoyed the little girl who asked incredulously "Why do you have a Justin Beiber poster?" There was a selection of posters for sale including one of The Biebster, clearly our customer considers his career officially over and could not understand what he was doing hanging along side One Direction, who I might add were the most popular selection of the afternoon both in book and poster form. Hoping to gain some points with the customers I drew their attention to the fact that I too was British, just like the lads of OD. My announcement far from increasing my status in their eyes seemed to make them a little nervous and anxious to get away from the clearly unhinged lady. On reflection I think they may have misunderstood me and thought I was claiming to be an actual member of OD.
What I was out of practise with was talking to adults. There were two other volunteers, two Mums I've known since Loops started school, they both have daughters her age so our paths have crossed many times and they are both perfectly nice but good grief I can not do small talk, its like my brain seizes up and I can't think of a single interesting thing to say and then desperate to fill the silence I suddenly blurt out utter nonsense that elicits slightly nervous smiles. Sigh, talking used to be my strong suit, there are those who would say I was impossible to shut up but not so much these days. I've lost the skill through lack of use. I think my isolation is in part what decided me to do the NomPlom thing, it isn't exactly talking but it is communication.
So back to the Book Fair, L & B had both done their book shopping earlier in the week so I promised P I would bring her a book home. She made it clear it wasn't to be just any book it needed to be a Ninjago Book (you will be hearing more on the Ninjago obsession) unfortunately there were only two Ninjago titles available at the Fair and of course B had already purchased them both. So instead I picked two books that I really, really wanted myself, thought P would love. I'm a sucker for children's literature particularly the illustrated books and both of these had really beautiful illustrations. P's reaction told me that Ninja-less books were definitely not what she desired but she politely declared them "nice" and we will read them tomorrow so I will report back with the P review.
Oh and I will, of course, be subjecting you to the obligatory Halloween photos but it was slim pickings on the photo ops due to the rain so I might have to get Loops & Co to costume up again tomorrow for a better pic.