I've been seeing "Throwback Thursday" photo posts on FB for a while now, actually I thought it said Throwup Thursday first time I saw one but its definitely "Throwback". Well, you know there's no way I'm not taking advantage of another opportunity to post a photo instead of actually write anything. Oh yeah, I'm all over that!
These photos are from March 2010 when we were in Taiwan to bring Posy home. They are just some random ones that for some unknown reason got stored on this computer when all the rest are on the external hard drive, which I despair of ever accessing again for various technical reasons, also known as "Debberoo is technically challenged" but I digress, back to the photos.
In all of the photos from this trip poor sweet Beau looks exhausted because most of the time he was exhausted. Travelling to Taiwan is a big trip for anyone let alone a two year old, add meeting your rather loud baby sister for the first time and its going to tire a little guy out. This is one of the few where he doesn't have a pacy/dummy in his mouth (because I made him take it out for the photo). This was us taking a little break on the way to the Post Office. It was very, very hot and humid and we would start melting about 5 minutes after stepping out of the coolness of our air conditioned hotel.
When we walked by this cafe they were busy making dumplings for the lunch time rush, Lulu was very impressed, not that you'd have been able to persuade her to actually eat one back then. Today she is a dumpling aficionado but back then they were still firmly on her very long "Inedible List".
Loops not completely grasping that the mail doesn't come out the slots it goes in them. Beau thinking "Nope, not taking the pacy out again Lady, consider yourself lucky I'm awake and my eyes are open cos that's about as good as it's going to get today."
Now this really bad "selfie" is where I will regain your respect after your scorn at my Slacker Blogger ways, yes I am a slacker you'll get no argument from me there but its only because I'm still recovering from being left in Taiwan by myself with 3 children (one of which we'd had for all of 2 days as this point) while S buggered off to Shanghai on the pretext of "visiting a customer" (seriously that one is wearing awfully thin, the man's gotta come up with something fresh). Oh yes, people that's me solo completely outnumbered by adorable children in the middle of Taipei. Thank you, thank you, your standing ovation is most touching but please sit down again.
So there you have it Throwback Thursday from Taiwan. Oh how we miss you beautiful Taiwan!