Look at these photos, read the stories of these children and tell me again how we can't share just a little of what we have with them, how they need to stay where they are or go back to the hell they ran from, go anywhere just not here, just not to us. Tell me again how our fear is so much greater than theirs. Show these photos and stories to your own children and see if they agree with you that these dangerous, non Christian children and their families should be shut out, thrown away. We teach our children, kindness, compassion, empathy, generosity, strength and responsibility, let's teach those things by our actions, by the way we treat desperate refugees. We have so much just by virtue of where we were born and if we can't help those who have lost everything then shame on us all, we are no better than those that these poor souls fled from.
photo Magnus Wennman / Aftonbladet /REX Shutterstock